Re: Reusing bindings from previous xjc run

From: Malachi de AElfweald <>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 03:19:31 -0700

At 01:15 AM 10/30/2004, Malachi de AElfweald wrote:
>A bit more info... tried a few different things...

I also tried moving that one complexType into its own local XSD with the
xjc:superClass tag... that didn't work either. that said there was a
conflict in the 'param' namespace (even though I told it to use the 'vhost'
namespace -- probably didn't like two XSDs using same namespace).

In theory, I could do an implClass and make it use the ObjectFactory of the
other package and copy everything over -- but that seems like a very ugly

It doesn't seem like the local copy needs an interface or an
implementation; since we want it to not only use the pre-built
implementation, but we want the JavaDocs to show that it is returning the
interface from the other jar... I think that one line in the new
ObjectFactory is the only one that would need to be changed, and just not
create the other files.

Or am I missing something?


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