Serializing an additional enum field, ignoring it on deserialize

From: Pinch, Marnee <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 16:21:19 -0500

Is there a way to serialize an additional enum field as an attribute and
have it be ignored upon deserialization?


This is a field that is in addition to the enum value. (We want this
for readability when looking at the document and possibly for an
identifier for a user other than the application which is producing the


For us, we need to ignore the additional attribute upon deserialization.


A simple example of what I want to do is below.


I have a class that has a field of type MyEnum. MyEnum has an 'id'
field and a 'name' field. I am serializing the enum constants via the


public class MyClass {



    MyEnum someEnum;





public enum MyEnum {



    CONSTANT1(1, "constant1"),



    CONSTANT2(2, "constant2"),



    CONSTANT3(3, "constant3"),



    CONSTANT4(4, "constant4"),


    private final int id;

    private final String name;


    MyEnum(int id, String name) {

        // snip




So, the output for the above is, for example:


      <MyClass id="1" name="constant1"/>


The desired output is:


      <MyClass id="1" name="constant1"/>


Is there any possible way to do this? Note that we are not using a
schema. We are only using annotations on existing code, although we can
make some coding changes to accommidate this.


Thanks for any suggestions.