Re: custom parse of a child Element

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 17:02:57 +0200

On 26 April 2011 16:53, Guilhem <> wrote:

> Yes in fact, i obtain a ElementNSImpl object in my content.
> So i have to postProcess these element after the unmarshalling, i can't do
> this automitically with the Unmarshaller?

Doing it after the unmarshalling is probably the simplest solution. If you
want to investigate other options, look at Unmarshaller.Listener.

> And what about the marshalling ?

Create the ElementNSImpl, store it in place, marshal using JAXB.


> Guilhem Legal
> Le 26/04/2011 16:41, Wolfgang Laun a écrit :
> See whether this section of the JAXB tutorial is useful:
> -W
> On 26 April 2011 16:24, <> wrote:
> > Hi everybody!
> >
> > I use JAXB for some time now, but there is a use case i can't put in
> > place.
> >
> > In a XML document, i have a dynamic part that i can't parse with JAXB.
> > I have a JAXP XMLStreamReader to do that.
> >
> > How can i plug my JAXP parser in the middle of the JAXB unmarshall ? is
> > it possible?
> >
> > Guilhem Legal
> >