Re: Annox plugin.

From: Mahesh Nayak <>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 16:19:29 +0530


Thanks for your prompt response. I will have to re-design to see that
(2) is implemented. I wish the jaxb had provisions to make elements
transient using annotations without additional plugins or with
expectation that design would handle it. I know it doesn't make any
sense to have transient fields in the XSD schema, logically. But I was
trying to have things simple without extending classes in the design
and with having XSD driven data model. But I guess i have no other go
and need to implement (2).

Nevertheless, you guys are doing great job. The support is marvelous!

Thanks much again!

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Aleksei Valikov <> wrote:
> Hi.
>> The scenario I am dealing with goes like this. I have a XSD which I
>> convert it into java classes . Having the necessary data structures I
>> convert the objects of the generated classes to XML.
>> Now it so happened that, I have given a element of "anytype" in the
>> XSD which then would be converted to member of class of java type
>> "Object" . Now this Object is in turn used to store complex data
>> object  (data model, table model, model listener et al). I dont want
>> this member to be serialized when I convert the object to XML through
>> marshalling. This can be done in two ways:
>> 1. Applying @XmlTransient annotation to the member element.
>> 2. By extending the generating class to a child class and then
>> annotating the new class. I dont want to do this since my
>> implementation is working fine but for the manual addition of
>> @XmlTransient. I want to annotate the member with @XmlTransient
>> automatically without any manual intervention. This will make my
>> application robust.
>> If there is any other solution or feedback, please let me know. I
>> appreciate your time and effort on this.
> I have to say I don't think that mixing JAXB model data and utilities
> is a good idea, but it's up to you.
> Further on, if you use a schema-derived property to store utility
> objects you essentially misuse your schema therefore from the
> architecture point of you I'd say (2) is more preferrable than (1).
> Next, as I can say, annox/annotate plugin can not help you make your
> property transient. Yes, you can get @XmlTransient added to your
> field, BUT this will not work at the end because other @Xml
> annotations can not and will not be deleted from this field.
> If you want to use schema-derived field to store custom data as you
> described, I think you best option is to wrap you data in some wrapper
> class where all the properties are @XmlTransient. The wrapper class
> will be then marshalled, but your custom data not.
> Bye.
> /lexi