Re: Do not marshal empty elements...

From: <>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 14:50:30 -0700

Thanks worked.

- Thanks
Jagdeep Singh (CONJPS)
BRO-100-1 x55574

             Kohsuke Kawaguchi
             i_at_Sun.COM> To
             04/29/2005 10:12 cc
                                       Re: Do not marshal empty
             Please respond to elements...
> Sorry about being too short in the beginning.....
> I am building content editor web app using JAXB. So on one of the page
> showing up to the user having fields corresponding to each elements in
> schema. Now if user does not enter value in one of the field. I don't
> to marshall empty field back to xml. So for example if page has
> foo input field and user does not fill that up .... than i don't want
> <foo/> in underline xml file.
> The reason is the other search functionality in my app searching these
> content xmls for some schema elements based on criteria.

In 1.0, I think you either set null, or you can also tell XJC to
generate isSet/unset methods by using a customization (I think it's
<jaxb:globalBindings>), then you can use the unset method.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems