Re: Re: Edit the generated Code

From: Kostis Anagnostopoulos <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 13:38:18 +0300


On 10/18/06,
<> wrote:
> Hi Aleksei,
> I can at last get what you mean. Before I have no Idea that JAXB
> Customized XML Schema could inherit an existing Java classes. I thought,
> it could only inherit an existing complex type.
> Can you by the way give some references about this features? While I
> read the Java Web Services tutorial, and it doesn't show how to do
> something like you did. Or maybe I couldn't find it.

Look at JAXB RI's docs:
specifically for the customization: <xjc:superClass>

You propably need an external binding file '.xjb' but i have not tried
that on a WSDL.


> Thanks for your help.
> Regards,
> Heru
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aleksei Valikov []
> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 6:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Edit the generated Code
> Hi.
> > Thanks for your response.
> > I don't get what you mean with your 1st solution. Generate with
> > addons/plugins?
> Yes. We generate a lot of additional code with plugins.
> > And for your 2nd, I found it's not be able to be used in my case.
> > While the XSD file itself keeps changing. So I can't just subclass my
> > own class to the generated code. If the xsd file changes, and new
> > Codes generated, all the extension will be gone.
> I am not sure if you got the idea. I'm talking about subclassing your
> own classes with JAXB-generated code, not vice versa.
> Ok, here's simple an example for you. Imagine you have a user type with
> first name and family name and you want to have an extension method
> which returns the name as first name plus last name.
> First you write an AbstractUserType like this:
> public class AbstractUserType
> {
> public abstract String getFirstName();
> public abstract String getLastName();
> public String getName() { return getFirstName() + " " +
> getLastName(); } }
> Then in your schema you define something like
> <complexType name="userType">
> <!-- This is a customization for the inheritance plugin -->
> <annotation><appInfo><i:extends=""/></appInfo></
> annotation>
> <sequence>
> <element name="firstName" type="string"/>
> <element name="lastName" type="string"/>
> </sequence>
> </complexType>
> JAXB (+ plugin) will produce UserType extends AbstractUserType. Getters
> for firstName and lastName elements will implement abstract methods from
> AbstractUserType. The generated UserType class will have the extension
> functionality (getName()) you'd like it to have.
> This approach is not vulnerable to schema changes. You don't have to
> manually add the extension code, it's simply inherited.
> > In my project, I'm creating an API of a system (The system itself
> > would be translated to schema file, which later be used by JAXB to
> > generate the Java codes.
> > So I would like to wrap/package the generated code with functionality
> > which is allowed in this API. In this way, it would also protecting
> > the lost of functionality when new features were added to the system.
> > So I'm wondering the best way to do this.
> > Any advice?
> That's exactly how I do it. In my projects, I define abstract
> classes/interfaces which then get implemented/extended by JAXB generated
> code. My business code takes advantage of the extensions I've defined in
> the abstract classes. New features of the schema do not require me to
> adapt extensions. Adaptions are only required if schema changes are
> backwards-incompatible, but this requires manual corrections in any
> case.
> Bye.
> /lexi
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