Re: _at_XmlElementWrapper and empty collections

From: Dmitri Colebatch <>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 12:01:16 +1000

On 4/11/06, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <> wrote:
> I see. The problem is, changing annotations for 2.0 is almost impossible
> at this point. So I'm trying to think of something that you can use
> without the spec change.

Yeah I realise that - not to worry. Firstly, its not a major drama,
and secondly, JAXB is definately behaving as it should, so there is a
pretty good argument to leave it as is.

> Oh, what if you define a private getter/setter just for JAXB?

Using field marshalling (have been bitten with property marshalling
because of unwanted side effects). We'll stick to the before/after
unmarshall - although having an additional field that we set on the
beforeMarshall and retrieve in afterUnmarshall would be a touch
cleaner than what we're doing atm.
