Re: Document oriented XML Binding framework needed

From: Joan Antoni Farre <>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 09:26:29 +0200

In my opinion, this possibility can also be stated as: the possibility of
generating an XML Shema from an instance XML document (and then compile it
with JAXB).
I believe that this functionality can be obtained from some XML management
programs, but don't see the need of including it in JAXB.
Instead of it, I was thinking about another functionality which could be
interesting, to be included in JAXB or in a separate tool. It's the
possibility of generating an XMLSchema suitable to represent the content of
arbitrary java classes. In fact, JAXB spec says, if I remember well, that a
marshaller may (but is not required to) be able to marshal any object,
doesn't matter if it's been generated by JAXB compiler or not. This is an
interesting feature to ease the adoption of JAXB in a previously existing
What do you think about it?


Brandon Franklin <>@JAVA.SUN.COM> con fecha
12/05/2003 17:04:37

Por favor, responda a Discussion list for the Java Architecture for XML
       Binding <JAXB-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM>

(Enviado por: Discussion list for the Java Architecture for XML Binding


Copia a (cc):

Referencia: Re: Document oriented XML Binding framework needed

> I think Brandon would like to have possibility to bind XML for which
> is not possible to write schema. I believe that for processing such XMLs,
> DOM is the right technology.

No, I definitely wouldn't like such a technology. I think JAXB is great
way it is. I was just clarifiying it, since I got the impression from the
original post that JAXB was being perceived as a "binding XML" technology,
rather than a "binding schemas" technology. "Binding" of XML without a
Schema just leads to sloppy XML, and no type safety.
