Re: jaxb2-commons plugins

From: Kenny MacLeod <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 10:46:16 +0000

Good idea, we would some commonality between them.

Personally, I have no experience of maven2 (maven1, yes, and I still
have the horrible scars to prove it), but in principle I'm up for it.


Aleksei Valikov wrote:
> Hi guys,
> This is a message to all the JAXB plugin developers who host their
> plugins in jaxb2-commons.
> First of all thank you all for sharing your efforts. It's great what you do.
> What I'd like to propose is to integrate single JAXB plugin projects
> into a common Maven2 build. It is not too much work, but will
> definitely bring some added value:
> * Plugins will be distributed via the Maven repo and
> therefore immediately available to Maven2 builds.
> * jaxb2-commons is under our (corporate) continuous integration server
> (Hudson) - more stability of the released artifacts.
> * Maven2 advantages (like dependency management and so on).
> * Common testing infrastructure - not just plugin code but also sample
> projects which test/illustrate usage of the plugin.
> I think these are sufficient reasons. And I am ready to invest my time
> to help you port your JAXB2 plugin projects onto Maven and integrate
> them into the jaxb2-commons Maven build.
> Please let me know if you're interested.
> Bye.
> /lexi
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