Re: jaxb seems to be bombing.

From: Malachi de AElfweald <>
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 19:01:54 -0700

Perhaps it is the way you are using XJC? I use it like this:

   <taskdef name="xjc" classname="">
         <classpath refid="classpath.project" />


         <xjc schema="${config}/wt-config.xsd" target="${src}"

And I have never run into that problem. Perhaps you could send your schema
so someone else could try to build from it?


At 10:11 AM 6/8/2004, Gary Grobe wrote:
>Hey guys,
>I'm using jaxb and when my schema's get compiled, things just stop. I've
>put comments below on where things are happening.
>All my impl, runtime, etc... files are being generated from my xml's.
>And they're even being compiled which I don't understand cause the 2nd
>echo statement doesn't print.
><target name="compile-jaxb-schemas">
><echo message="point 0"/> <!-- this echo prints -->
><java classname="">
><fileset dir="${externs.jaxb}">
><include name="*.jar"/>
><include name="**/*.jar"/>
><arg line="-d ${project.src} -p
>${project.xml}/file1.xsd ${project.xml}/file2.xsd
><echo message="point 1"/> <!-- Any echo msgs beyone this line do not
>print -->
><!-- I did try jaxb-ri-20040524, so no shared dirs, etc... -->
><!-- I just tried the new weekly of jaxb-ri-20040607, still no go -->
><javac srcdir="${project.src}" destdir="${build.temp}">
><fileset dir="${externs.jaxb}">
><include name="jaxb-libs.jar"/>
><include name="jaxb-impl.jar"/>
><include name="jaxb-api.jar"/>
><include name="jaxb-xjc.jar"/>
><include name="namespace.jar"/>
><include name="jax-qname.jar"/>
><include name="relaxngDatatype.jar"/>
><include name="xsdlib.jar"/>
><include name="com/company/dir/jaxb/**/*"/>
><echo message="point 2"/> <!-- this does not print -->
><!-- these files *do* get copied -->
><copy file="${project.src}/com/company/dir/jaxb/bgm.ser"
><copy file="${project.src}/com/company/dir/jaxb/"
><echo message="point 3"/> <!-- this does not print -->
><!-- and this does not get created. it's like ant dies right here -->
><jar destfile="${build.temp}/xmlbindings.jar" basedir="${build.temp}"
><echo message="point 4"/>
>----------- The output when compiling this target is as follows ...
>[echo] point 0
>[java] parsing a schema...
>[java] compiling a schema...
>[java] com/company/dir/jaxb/impl/
>[java] com/company/dir/jaxb/impl/runtime/
>[java] com/company/dir/jaxb/
>[java] com/company/dir/jaxb/bgm.ser
>[java] com/company/dir/jaxb/
>Then at this point, ant just stops, no output or anything. Even in
>-verbose mode, no output and no left over processes. And in case your
>wondering why I'm not running the jwsdb-1_3 version ...
>Any help much appreciated.
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