Re: How to use XJC with standard ANT distribution and without JWSDP_HOME

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 15:57:15 +0100


> Thanks a lot for your answer, I had previously turned on debugging, but
> missed the trace about the Xerces version. Looking at it more closely made
> me realize that I made a mistake in the syntax of my build.xml files and
> therefore the jaxp/jaxp-api.jar and jaxp/endorsed/*.jar were actually not
> included.
> I guess that they're now part of JDK 1.5.0 so this worked with JDK 1.5.0,
> and this also worked when I forced the JVM to use it with the endorsed
> mechanism.
> With the classpath for the taskdef fixed, I no longer need the ANT_OPTS
> trick.

Another comment from me. You may find a ready-to-use template of
JAXB/HyperJAXB project at

This is a "just add water" solution: put your schemas in schema/*.xsd
and binding files in binding/*.xml.


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