Re: JAXB and JXPath

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 10:37:03 +0200


> Unfortunately JXPath/JAXB can't be expected to behave same way as
> XPathAPI/DOM except for very small subset of possible xml documents.

Like Germans say, jaein, yes and no.
I could not figure out from the JXPath documentation, exactly which subset of
the XPath is supported, but I guess, XML and order-specific axis may misbehave,
give "wrong" results. However, child:: axis, ordering in the lists, simple
predicates and simple functions like count(...) will work.
It is true, that supported subset of the language is not large. However, in
practice this subset covers more than half of the cases.

The trick with JXPath looks nice, but I'm a bit confused about the usage
scenarios. Great for unit tests, but what else?


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