Re: XJC throwing a ClassCastException when parsing schema

From: Adam Cohen-Rose <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 18:16:42 -0000 (GMT)

We've narrowed the problem down to the following schema fragment.

It's a subtle error that isn't picked up by most validators - in fact it
might even be a semantic error rather than a syntactic one.

Perhaps the error condition could be a little more revealing...?

Best wishes,

Adam & James

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
elementFormDefault="unqualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
  <xsd:element name="dodgyElement" type="dodgyType"/>
  <xsd:complexType name="dodgyType">
      <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:element name="subelement" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"
        <xsd:attribute name="attribute1" type="xsd:string"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="attribute2" type="xsd:string"/>

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