JAXB Reference Implementation Bug ?

From: <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 22:31:42 -0500

I was looking at the code generated by a JAXB compile ( that
came with Java web services package version 1.2 )

( impl.runtime.validatorImpl class )

The code for validateRoot() finally executes this exception handler

} catch( SAXException e ) {
            // TODO exception handling.
            // we need a consistent mechanism to convert SAXException
into JAXBException
            Exception nested = e.getException();
            if( e != null ) {
                throw new ValidationException( nested );
            } else {
                throw new ValidationException( e );
            //return false;


I think they meant "if( nested != null )".

This results in a ValidationException being thrown without any useful
information at all contained within, if nested happens to be null.
In otherwords if there is no nested exception original SAXException -
which probably contained a message and definitely stacktrace - is just
thrown away.

1. Am I write in my conclusion above ? Is this a known bug ?

2. What is the best JAXB implementation available out there ?
3. Is the RI known for its standard compliance ?


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