JAXB 2.2.6 and Java 7

From: Holger Brands <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2013 10:38:38 +0100


we are testing migration from Java 6 to Java 7 and stumbled upon some JAXB

Trying to use the default JAXB versions of the JRE, we would be upgrading
JAXB 2.1.10 (Java 6 update 35)
JAXB 2.2.4-2 (Java 7 update 10)

We noticed some problems with JAXB 2.2.4-2 one of which seems to be fixed
JAXB version 2.2.6 (may be related to issue JAXB-900).

My question is:
Do you know if and when JAXB 2.2.6 is going to be included as default in an
upcoming Java 7 update?
How long will that take to be released?

We have another issue that's not resolved in JAXB 2.2.4-2 or JAXB 2.2.6,
but works with JAXB 2.1.10.
I will report another mail for that.
But here is one additional question related to that issue:

Is it allowed for a XmlAdapter in its unmarshall method to start another
JAXB unmarshall operation
and return that result as the result of the XmlAdapter-unmarshall method?
(Imagine a XmlAdapter getting a String input and unmarshalling an object
graph via JAXB from it)
