Re: Transition from JAXB to something else?

From: Christopher Giblin <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 20:59:46 +0100

eclipse emf is one alternative among the sea of 15 or so available
technologies (

             David Halonen
             MPUWARE.COM> To
             Sent by: JAXB-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM
             Discussion list cc
             for the Java
             Architecture for Subject
             XML Binding Transition from JAXB to something
             <JAXB-INTEREST_at_JA else?

             03/14/2003 08:32

             Please respond to
              Discussion list
               for the Java
             Architecture for
                XML Binding

Has anyone dropped JAXB for a data-binding solution? Or know of someone who

The change from ea to release 1.0 has caused us to re-evaluate our needs
and what JAXB brings to the table. I would be interested in knowing what
others have done along these lines...