Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East wrote:
> Mike Gabelmann wrote:
>> Does JaxB support the use of default attributes? In the XML schema
>> document you can specify default values for properties. I know that
>> this didnt work in previous version, but is there any indication when
>> they will be used?
> I believe we've been supporting this for a long time.
> Given an attribute use declaration like:
> <xs:attribute name="blarg" type="xs:int" default="242"/>
> You should be able to run this:
> ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory();
> ItemType itm = of.createItemType();
> System.out.println(itm.getBlarg());
> and see: 242
> Or if the process of unmarshalling doesn't cause that property to
> be set, you would also get the default value.
> If you'd like, I can send pointers to the sections of the JAXB spec
> that explain when the defaults apply.
>> Also, when creating the XML schema document you can specify
>> enumerations. There does not seem to be anyway to get access to these
>> values in the generated classes. Will there be support for this in
>> the future? It would be nice as otherwise you have to code these
>> interfaces by hand.
> Support for this won't be available in the 1.0.x releases, but it
> will be possible in JAXB 2.0 which takes advantage of JDK5 typesafe
> enumerations (which allow you to iterate over the enum values).
> Thanks,
> --Ryan
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