Re: Error replacing _at__at_JAXB_VERSION_at__at_ with certain system locales

From: <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 10:22:03 +0200 (MEST)

Thanks for the fast answer.
Here's the output of "xjc -help" - it is the same no matter which locale I

    D:\dev\jwsdp-1.5\jaxb\bin>xjc -help
    Usage: xjc [-options ...] <schema>
      -nv : do not perform strict validation of the input
      -extension : allow vendor extensions - do not strictly follow
                            Compatibility Rules and App E.2 from the JAXB
      -b <file> : specify external bindings files (each <file>
must have its own -b)
      -d <dir> : generated files will go into this directory
      -p <pkg> : specifies the target package
      -host <proxyHost> : set http.proxyHost to <proxyHost>
      -port <proxyPort> : set http.proxyPort to <proxyPort>
      -classpath <arg> : specify where to find user class files
      -catalog <file> : specify catalog files to resolve external entity
                            support TR9401, XCatalog, and OASIS XML Catalog
      -readOnly : generated files will be in read-only mode
      -use-runtime <pkg> : suppress the generation of the impl.runtime
package and simply
                            refer to another existing runtime in the
specified package.
      -xmlschema : treat input as W3C XML Schema (default)
      -relaxng : treat input as RELAX NG
      -dtd : treat input as XML DTD
      -quiet : suppress compiler output
      -help : display this help message
      -version : display version information
      -Xlocator : enable source location support for generated
      -Xsync-methods : generate accessor methods with the
'synchronized' keyword
      -Xelement-wrapper : generates the general purpose element wrapper
into impl.runtime
But usually I use the Ant-task for compiling and there you get the following
output (again: not depending upon locale), I suppose "@@BUILD_VERSION@@" is
not the desired output ;), also there is a typo ("ths") :
    [xjc] build id of XJC is @@BUILD_VERSION@@
    [xjc] Consider using <depends>/<produces> so that XJC won't do
unnecessary compilation
    [xjc] the last modified time of ths inputs is  9223372036854775807
    [xjc] the last modified time of the outputs is -9223372036854775808
Best regards
> --- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
> Von: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
> An:
> Betreff: Re: Error replacing @@JAXB_VERSION@@ with certain system locales
> Datum: Tue, 24 May 2005 13:15:39 -0400
> wrote:
> > 
> > Would be great if this could be fixed - for JWSDP 1.5?
> > 
> Thanks for the bug report - I think we can get the fix in JAXB 1.0.5
> (JWSDP 1.6) which will be released very soon.  Once I commit the fix,
> you'll be able to pick it up next Monday in the weekly build.
> I'm curious, does "xjc -help" work as expected?  I'm looking at the
> resource files and the help messages look broken to me.
> Thanks,
> --Ryan
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