Re: Enumeration with int values from schema

From: Felipe Gaścho <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 17:28:55 +0100

you missed the base type:

        <xsd:simpleType name="post.process.mode">
                <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'> <<<<<<<<<< HERE, you must write
                        <xsd:enumeration value="NONE" />
                        <xsd:enumeration value="RENAME" />
                        <xsd:enumeration value="MOVE" />

On Jan 2, 2008 5:13 PM, Pierre Buyle <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm generating typesafe Enum from an xsd:restriction with xsd:int as
> baseType. It works when using the jxb:typesafeEnumClass and
> jxb:typesafeEnumMember appinfo annotations. However, the value() method for
> the generated enum does not return int (or Integer) values but String. This
> is fine for most case but it prevents enumeration members to have any
> meaningful values.
> For instance, with the following schema
> <xsd:simpleType>
> <xsd:annotation>
> <xsd:appinfo>
> <jxb:typesafeEnumClass name="priority">
> <jxb:typesafeEnumMember name="VERY_LOW" value="-2" />
> <jxb:typesafeEnumMember name="LOW" value="-1" />
> <jxb:typesafeEnumMember name="NORMAL" value="0" />
> <jxb:typesafeEnumMember name="HIGH" value="1" />
> <jxb:typesafeEnumMember name="VERY_HIGH" value="2" />
> </jxb:typesafeEnumClass>
> </xsd:appinfo>
> </xsd:annotation>
> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:int">
> <xsd:enumeration value="-2" />
> <xsd:enumeration value="-1" />
> <xsd:enumeration value="0" />
> <xsd:enumeration value="1" />
> <xsd:enumeration value="2" />
> </xsd:restriction>
> </xsd:simpleType>
> The following code is generated
> public enum Priority {
> @XmlEnumValue("-2")
> VERY_LOW("-2"),
> @XmlEnumValue("-1")
> LOW("-1"),
> @XmlEnumValue("0")
> NORMAL("0"),
> @XmlEnumValue("1")
> HIGH("1"),
> @XmlEnumValue("2")
> VERY_HIGH("2");
> private final String value;
> Priority(String v) {
> value = v;
> }
> public String value() {
> return value;
> }
> public static MTaskData.Priority fromValue(String v) {
> for (MTaskData.Priority c: MTaskData.Priority.values()) {
> if (c.value.equals(v)) {
> return c;
> }
> }
> throw new IllegalArgumentException(v);
> }
> }
> Is there a way to have the value() method to return instances of the Java
> class for the xsd:restriction baseType ?
> --
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