- [feature suggestion] Self-tracking of modified state by JAXB binding objects
- Adding functionality to JAXB-generated classes
- AIOOB Exception during marshal after months of running
- annotated (javadoc=>complexType/annotation/documentation)
- anyURI to java.net.URI
- Axis2 & "doesn't contain ObjectFactory.class or jaxb.index"
- Binder and ID/IDREF's
- Binding the schema for XML Schema
- diferentiating between non-existent element and element with null value
- Enumeration with int values from schema
- Flattened Binding / Unmarshalling
- generated source inner classes
- Generating inline comments from plugins
- GMF Model/Diagram
- High-level JAXB/JAX-WS Question
- How to Change package name to targetnamespace in XJC ant task
- How to get types right inside of IDRef'd Collections
- Issue reports, anyone looking at them?
- Jaxb + EndpointReference
- Marshalling error using XmlElementRef
- maybe a cycle error!!! please give help
- multiple namespace for one class (dynamic change)
- New to the list
- Schema best practice for modeling UML association
- trying metro
- Unmarshalling complex types (without global elements) in JAXB1
- Using JAXB 2.0 in NetBeans 6
- validation issue
- WSDL to java
- XJC File name too long
- XML serialization with JAXB verse XML serialization with XMLSpy
- XmlElementRef points to a non-existent class
- Last message date: Fri Jan 11 02:57:54 2008
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT