Re: generated source inner classes

From: Chet Joswig <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 15:54:26 -0800 (PST)

I have multiple xs:complexTypes that I'd like to be generated as top-level classes in Java, but they become inner classes. I've seen mention, but very little documentation for the 'localScoping' customization, but my generated code is identical whether i use the "nested" or "toplevel" option.

My underlying question is identical to this posting and I see that there is no solution for JAXB 1.0, but has this changed with 2.0 or 2.1?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Chet Joswig <> wrote: Is there a global option that I can specify either through Ant or in my binding file that will tell xjc to generate top level class names as opposed to static inner classes?

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