Re: portnumbers in target namespaces

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 08:12:02 +0100

Hello Trevor,

I've no experience with WSDL, but apparently it's calling xjc from

Calling xjc directly, with a schema containing a namespace URL with a
is handled correctly, at least with JAXB 2.1.3 or later. In the package,
there is an, and it contains methods for creating top level schema
elements, e,g,
    @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "",
name = "ds")
    public JAXBElement<XXX> createXy(XXX value) {
        return new JAXBElement<XXX>(_Xy_QNAME, XXX.class, null, value);
and the final static String _Xy_QNAME should contain the correct
(colon-ized) URI,
so marshalling works correctly.

Do you find this for the getRegistry element?

Which JAXB version is bundled with that WSDL tool? Could you replace it
or at least xjc with a new version?


On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Trevor Paterson <> wrote:

> I am having problems generating client code from a WSDL, which I suspect
> may
> be because the WSDL imports a schema which has a targetNamespace which
> includes a port number.
> the WSDL types:
> <types>
> <xsd:schema>
> <xsd:import namespace=""
> ="martxsd" />
> </xsd:schema>
> </types>
> the schema declaration:
> <xs:schema
> xmlns:tns=""
> xmlns:xs=""
> xmlns:sawsdl=""
> targetNamespace="" version="1.0">
> wsdl2java by default generates client code in the package
> org.biomart._80.martservicesoap
> a SOAP request generated from client code generated using wsdl2java:
> <soap:Body>
> <ns1:getRegistry xmlns:ns1=""
> />
> </soap:Body>
> Am I naïve in thinking that xmlns:ns1 should =
> "" in order to match the schema
> namespace for the service?
> Is the namespace in the SOAP request made on the fly from the package name
> of the code? and therefore is the “:80” insurmountable?
> Is there a way to set the namespaces generated?
> thanks
> Trevor Paterson, Roslin Institute
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