"core" namespace issue

From: Stevo Slavi? <>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 09:25:09 +0100

Hello JAXB community,

With a contract first approach for two web services I've created a separate
constract/wsdl and then using maven jaxb plugin Java code is generated from
XSDs. Java is 1.6 update 30 so jaxb is 2.1

One of the two web services has word "core" in the namespace e.g.
Code generated for "non-core" web service has namespace in
XmlRootAnnotation but not in XmlType annotation.
Code generated for "core" web service is different - namespace is added to
XmlType annotation but not to XmlRootElement annotations.

After changing "core" to "corews" in the xsds/wsdl code generated would
contain namespace in XmlRootAnnotation but not in XmlType annotation - just
like for other "non-core" web service.

I've tried several different maven plugins, and wsimport on command line
with same Java and outcome was same as well.

Is "core" in namespace some reserved word?
Can anyone please explain different behavior?

Kind regards,