Re: Newbie - Compiling large schemas

From: Mark Brouwer <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 10:54:08 +0100

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> > How complicated can a schema be for JaxB v1.0? Should JaxB v1.0 cope
> > with any schema that is validated successfully by XMLSpy?
> FWIW, my experience of working with XML Schema tells me fairly strongly
> that you shouldn't trust XMLSpy when it comes to schema correctness
> check. It is *NOT* a fully conforming XML Schema processor, and as a
> result it misses some of important errors in your schema.

Indeed, while XMLSpy is great for producing schemas (I'm not smart
enough to handcraft them) the outcome after a few drag and drop
operation is often invalid. But a nice tool to check them afterwards is:
Mark Brouwer