I've a problem with substitution groups (at least I think so), again. All the
generated Code of JAXB seems quite right, including comments of allowed types
and so on... this is why I can't get behind...
Please, have a look at the following schema snippet:
################# XSD ##################
<xs:element name="diagrams" type="dm:Diagrams"/>
<xs:complexType name="Diagrams">
<xs:element ref="dm:diagram" minOccurs="0"
<!-- Abstract Diagram -->
<xs:element name="diagram" type="dm:Diagram"/>
<xs:complexType name="Diagram">
<xs:element ref="dm:cell" minOccurs="0"
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="milestone" type="xs:int"/>
<!-- derived diagrams -->
<xs:element name="system-profile-diagram" substitutionGroup="dm:diagram"
<xs:complexType name="SystemProfileDiagram">
<xs:extension base="dm:Diagram"/>
################# XSD ##################
In a nutshell I've got a container "Diagrams" where I want to store Diagrams
of "Diagram"-derived types, like "SystemProfileDiagram" and others...
So far so good, the jaxb generated code looks well: (here the comment of the
Diagrams.getDiagram() Method...
"List ferkel.storage.diagram.DiagramsType.getDiagram()
Gets the value of the Diagram property.
This accessor method ...
For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
ferkel.storage.diagram.SystemProfileDiagram ferkel.storage...."
Now, I perfom the following code, resulting in a strange behaviour:
################# CODE ##################
SystemProfileDiagram dia = (SystemProfileDiagram)
Diagrams dias = (Diagrams) project.getDiagrams();
List diagramList = dias.getDiagram();
################# CODE ##################
The output made by printlns is:
################# OUTPUT ##################
1 // that's still right
0 // something went wrong... :(
################# OUTPUT ##################
the whole xsd-schema is surrounded by another "project" schema, that's why
project occurs in the code above (but i don't think that this is relevant,
I don't have any idea, what to do, because there's no exception or anything...
seems like a bug to me.
Thanks in advance for your help.
best regards
ps: i'm using jwdsp 1.4
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