Re: whats the current status of hyperjaxb3?

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 13:03:15 -0700

This is wonderful news.

Is there any bits that we/people can play? Is there any plan to post an
alpha release or something?

Aleksei Valikov wrote:
> Hi James,
>> I wonder could we have a brief status report of where hyperjaxb3 is,
>> whats there & whats not etc. A description of what each maven module
>> actually does would really help :)
>> So far after noodling around the various projects its a bit hard to
>> see what the status is (or even where to start looking :) - I've seem
>> plenty of stuff using hibernate but not seen any JPA stuff yet. Can
>> hyperjaxb auto-generate JPA POJOs yet? Is there a good example
>> somewhere to start with? So far hyperjaxb-hibernate-roundtrip seems to
>> be a hand crafted hibernate round trip using hand editted hbm files
>> right?
> Thanks for the interest. ;)
> Okay, here it goes.
> 1. Status.
> I have (more or less) successfully ported Hyperjaxb2 onto JAXB2. Since
> Hyperjaxb2 is basically a Hibernate mappings generator, the port is only a part
> of what Hyperjaxb3 should be, but it is already a usable part.
> That is, Hyperjaxb3 can now do for JAXB2 what Hyperjax2 does for JAXB1. I have
> ported some of Hyperjaxb2 test scenarios as well, so in the tests module there
> are some tests that do already pass roundtrip testing. The goal is, of course to
> port/make all the test scenarios running, but I do not have time to port
> everything. I've ported four of the test scenarios as a proof of concept and I
> believe other tests can be also made working.
> Last week I have started the EJB3 part of Hyperjaxb3. I've started with a simple
> EJB3-based unit test which will also be the basis for the EJB3 roundtrip test.
> The tests saves and loads some simple entities using the JPA, currently backed
> by the Hibernate EntityManager. The goal there is to have a fully-fledged
> roundtrip test case which would unmarshall XML with JAXB, save it into the DB
> via JPA, load it back and compare initial and resulting objects for equality.
> Since the basic unit tests already works, this is now not a big deal to write a
> rountrip test.
> After that I've started writing the ejb-plugin for JAXB2. The goal is to make a
> primitive schema like purchase order pass the EJB3 roundtrip. I've already
> implemented some generation, I'm getting closer but it is not yet so far.
> So, the status is:
> * Hibernate: ported, somehow working, some test scenarios pass roundtrip
> testing, not refactored/adapted.
> * EJB3: implemented basic unit tests, got initial experience with EJB3/JPA,
> started the plugin. PO example is expected to run quite soon.
> 2. Modules.
> Modules can be divided into following groups:
> * generic modules (runtime, tools, testing)
> * hibernate (hibernate-mapping, hibernate-configuration,
> hibernate-customizations, hibernate-roundtrip, hibernate-runtime, hibernate-plugin)
> * ejb (ejb-roundtrip, ejb-schemas, ejb-plugin)
> * maven (maven, maven-testing)
> * tests (tests, tests-ejb)
> 2.1. Generic modules.
> Generic modules actually better suit jaxb2-commons project and will be probably
> moved there some time in the future. This is generic functionality which has
> nothing specific to the persistence semantics of Hyperjaxb3.
> 2.1.1. runtime
> Contains some interfaces and classes which will be used in the runtime. For
> instance, if you use equals or hashCode plugins from the hyperjaxb3-tools (next
> module), they will make your JAXB classes implement Equals, HashCode or ToString
> interfaces which are defined in the runtime module.
> 2.1.2. tools
> Contains generic JAXB2 tools and plugins like toString, equals, hashCode etc.
> 2.1.3. testing
> Generic testing framework. Defines, for instance, an AbstractSamplesTest which
> will execute some checks (implemented bu subclasses ) against the *.xml files
> from src/test/samples.
> 2.2. Hibernate modules.
> 2.2.1. hibernate-mapping and hibernate-configuration
> These two modules are just JAXB compilation of Hibernate mapping and
> configuration DTDs. Hyperjaxb3 uses these modules to generate the XML of
> Hibernate mapping and configuration files. Rather than generate XML directly,
> Hyperjaxb3 produces object structures which are then serialized.
> 2.2.2. hibernate-customizations
> This is a JAXB compilation of the Hyperjaxb3 Hibernate customizations schema.
> Generated mapping are customized by the XML fragments defined either within the
> schema (in xsd:annotations) or externally in binding files (xjb). Being XML,
> customizations respect their own schema which is compiled with JAXB in this
> module. So internally Hyperjaxb3 works with object representation of
> customizations rather than with XML directly.
> 2.2.3. hibernate-roundtrip
> Roundtrip tests for Hibernate: unmarshall, save, load, compare.
> 2.2.4. hibernate-runtime
> Runtime classes and interfaces. For instance, Hibernate custom types,
> implementation of accessors etc.
> 2.2.5. hibernate-plugin
> Implementation of the JAXB2 Hyperjaxb3 Hibernate plugin. This is what generates
> *.hbm.xml and *.cfg.xml.
> 2.3. EJB modules.
> They are under and active development rioght now.
> 2.3.1. ejb-roundtrip
> Similar to hibernate-roundtrip but via JPA.
> 2.3.2. ejb-schemas
> JAXB compilation of persistence_1_0.xsd and orm_1_0.xsd. I'll need them to
> generate META-INF/persistence.xml and possible XML mappings.
> 2.3.3. ejb-plugin
> Responsible for generating JPA-annotated entities.
> 2.4. Maven
> 2.4.1. maven
> Hyperjaxb3 plugin for Maven.
> If you use maven-jaxb2-plugin and want to use Hyperjaxb3 as well, you'll have to
> add Hyperjaxb3 dependencies and turn on the JAXB2 Hyperjaxb3 plugin using the
> <args/> in the plugin config. maven-hyperjaxb3-plugin does it for you. It adds
> all the required dependencies, activates the necessary JAXB2 plugins, and
> provides convenient means of configuration.
> 2.4.2. maven-testing
> Testing infrastructure for maven-hyperjaxb3-plugin. Allows to configure and
> execute the maven-hyperjaxb3-plugin in the frame of an automated test (unit
> test). Very useful when debugging JAXB2 plugins
> 2.5 Tests
> These modules contains test scenarios. Each test scenario is a just a small
> project built with Maven/Hyperjaxb3. It typically contains a schema and a number
> of sample files. Each test scenatio has an own Maven build. During this build,
> the schema is processed with JAXB2/Hyperjaxb3 and generated code is compiled.
> Test scenarios also typically generate roundtrip test cases. So at the end,
> generated code is checked for roundtripping against the sample files.
> 2.5.1 tests
> These are Hibernate tests. There are plenty of them but only four are currently
> deployed. Other test are just taken from Hyperjaxb2. They should theoretically
> work, but must be adapted (like namespaces and so on).
> 2.5.2. tests-ejb
> These will be tests for the upcoming ejb-plugin. There's only one po test there
> currently.
> So that's it.
> My next goal is to make tests-ejb/po pass the roundtrip test. This should be
> doable within next days.
> Bye.
> /lexi
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems