SecurityException in JApplet caused by System.getProperty() in JAXB package

From: Stefan H Westlund <d98-swe_at_JAVASOUL.NET>
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 06:38:40 -0700

I have a problem with my JApplet. There is no problem if I sign the JApplet but I want the option to run it unsigned.

I got an AccessControlException when I use the unmarshal method of the Unmarshaller object due to an attempt of (the illegal) System.getProperty().

Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
unmarshaller.setValidating( true);
Root root = ( Root)unmarshaller.unmarshal( urlc.getInputStream());

As the release notes states, the changes since the 1.0 is
"Default parser is used in controlled environments such as applets where System.getProperty () results in a SecurityException. "
I do not know if this has something to do with my problem, but sure it sounds like. I got the latest package, still I got this annoying problem.

Is there anyone who knows about this?

Best Regards
/Stefan W