Re: Customization namespaces and "vendor extensions"

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 18:27:34 +0100


>> I would suggest that annotations are parsed into DOM nodes,
>> class instantiation is a bit of overkill.
> OK. That's good to know. That's even easier.

In any case, if add-on prefers object structures, it is free to
unmarshall DOM of the annotation.

>> jaxb:property and jaxb:class solve the same problem for JAXB, don't
>> they? The same approach could be used for custom annotations.
> Because JAXB annotations are processed by the front-end, technically
> they aren't propagated to the backend. In that sense it's not exactly
> "the same".

I meant the concept used to distinguish between ClassItem and FieldItem.

> I guess one simple approach would be for the JAXB RI to designate one
> schema component for a class and one schema component for a property.


> Then it can provide access to annotations on those components. Hopefully
> having something would make it easy for us to talk about it.

I can't wait to migrate

   <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string">

into something like

   <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string">
           <hj:id unsaved-value="null" generator-class="uuid.hex"/>

and use DOM interfaces instead of XDocletsa/qDox solution.


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