Fwd: Annox plugin.

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 08:41:56 +0100

Hi Avihaimar,

> I need to add annotation to some of my complex types.
> Is there a way to add them by customization?

I'm forwarding my answer. There's an "annotate"plugin which can add
arbitrary annotations to your generated classes.

Please see this example:


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: Annox plugin.


> Thanks for giving me the lead. However, I am still getting the same error.
> Your help on this is appreciated.

I've attached a small sample schema. See the full example here:

0. Annotate plugin must be activated.
1. You need annox prefix in the list of jaxb:extensionBindingPrefixes:


2. You need to declare a namespace or namespaces for you target
package. For instance, for java.lang the declaration is like:


3. Use

 <myPackagePrefix:LocalClassName .../>

to produce the required annotation. Like


will generate java.lang.SupressWarnings annotation.

These are the basics.

Now, the most important for you is that what you are trying to do
simply won't work.
What I see here is that you are trying to annotate your FooType with
@XmlTransient annotation:

> <xsd:complexType name="FooType">
> <xsd:annotation>
> <xsd:appinfo>
> <xsd:annotate>
> <jl:XmlTransient/>
> </xsd:annotate>
> </xsd:appinfo>
> </xsd:annotation>
> <!-- ... -->
> </xsd:complexType>
> </xsd:schema>

This won't work. The annotate plugin adds a new annotation, so you'll
just have an additional @XmlTransient annotation in your class. I
think this will just produce a conflict for JAXB and won't work.

What is the business task you are trying to solve?
