Re: Making JAXBContextImpl serializable

From: Eric Crampton <>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 06:53:24 -0800

Hi Kohsuke and Kenny,

I profiled my stuff as well and got the same results as
Kenny---roughly the same performance numbers and same hot spots. The
wallclock time to run JAXBContext.newInstance was roughly the same
using the old and new, with and without the fastboot property being

I've posted the two Netbeans profiler outputs here: (original one from before
using ri-20060426) (using ri-20061108 with

Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help out!


On 11/8/06, Kenny MacLeod <> wrote:
> I gave this a try, and it didn't appear to make any different to the
> hotspots whatsoever.
> Suspecting I had just set the property incorrectly, I modified
> JAXBContextImpl to print out the fastboot value, and it was correctly set.
> I could send you before-and-after netbeans profiler dumps, but that's
> 4.5 megs worth, which I can't post here. Would they be of any use?
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> > Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> >> I'll make a few changes and post a new 2.0 nightly. Can you rerun it
> >> again with the new jars and send me the new profiler snapshot?
> >
> > I've committed changes. If you can get the nightly tomorrow morning and
> > send me the result that would be great. Hopefully we should see some
> > improvements.
> >
> > Oh, please add
> > -Dcom.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.fastBoot=true system
> > property for now. We'll think about a better API later.
> >
> >
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