Re: parserproblem line 17 colum 22

From: Peter Lindvall <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 15:44:56 +0200

Try replacing xercesImpl.jar with a newer version. That worked for me.

Quoted from Nils G H Waale <>:

> I get these error message unespected contrains at line 17 collom 22 "/>"
> when trying
> run the example Samples1 whit ant. Now I wonder do xerces cound fron
> zirro or
> fron line 1, do it cound empty lines? and what fil is it ref. to the
> build.xlm or the .xsd
> but I look it all over, and even calculat - empty line, stil it dosn't
> make sens.
> fudder more I made my ovn build fil similar to the one in the ecample
> and get the
> same error message. where do I get turtuals?
> Nils G H Waale
