Additional attr/element after xjc generation

From: <>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 17:28:19 +0000 (UTC)

I'm new to JAXB, so feel free to point me to documentation / other
resources. I'm trying to understand if JAXB apis allow us to handle the
following usecase:

A. SOAP (WSDL/XSD) service exists
B. Generate Java classes via xjc
C. XSD in SOAP Service (#A above) gets a new attribute

Couple questions:

1. Would this through an error since the schema had changed? Or does
this depend on disabling validation during unmarshalling?

2. Is there a way to access the new attribute in Java w/o
regen/redeploy? e.g. customize generated java classes to have a map
attribute and have a custom unmarshaller / marshaller for any new
attributes that may come in after step B (above).

