Re: JaxB and DOM dictionary & JAXB Customization

From: Jerome Candat <jerome.candat_at_C-S.FR>
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 02:44:35 -0600

>You can either write a superclass that all JAXB-generated classes
>extend, or write a subclasses that extend a JAXB-generated classes. See
>samples/vendor-extensions (examples/vendor-extensions in 1.0) for the
>first option.

That sounds great. I have looked at the vendor-extensions examples given with the jwsdp package.
That's near of what I need.
In fact, all my JAXB-generated classes have a _Name property.
I would like the toString method in my superclass to return this information. Is it possible to do that ?

Thanks in advance,