JAXB context initalization

From: qbd ddd <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2012 02:03:46 -0700 (PDT)

We are using JAXB 2.1.9 and noticing that the below logic to use reflection to check if the method is an overridden method in ClassInfoImpl.findGetterSetterProperties is consuming a lot of time during initialization.
Since , we just use XMLAccessorType FIELD, and do not use overridden method, this logic is unnecessary. What would be the best way to ignore this check?

  if(!hasAnnotation) {
                // checking if the method is overriding others isn't free,
                // so we don't compute it if it's not necessary.
                isOverriding = (getter!=null && nav().isOverriding(getter,c))
                            || (setter!=null && nav().isOverriding(setter,c));
