JDK Support

From: Marcus Walls <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 17:01:00 +0100

As per my earlier post "java.lang.reflect.Proxy: NoClassDefFoundError", 1.0
works well in a JDK1.2 environment, whereas 1.0.1 does not seem to work at
I am now having to revert to 1.0 since my application needs to support
JDK1.2 (WebSphere 3.5.5).

What JDK version is JAXB meant to "support", and do you have any plans to
drop "support" for any specific JDKs in future releases? I place "support"
in quotes as I appreciate that there's a difference between saying something
will work on a particular platform and then actually actively supporting it.

I am aware that the JWSDP release notes state that the full release has been
tested on JDK 1.4.1_02, but surely it isn't a requirement to use this
particular JDK?
