From: Damon Fensterman <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 13:41:49 -0700

Hello all --

I've followed a couple of threads relating to validation messages. Basically the validation messages only say "length was 2 but maximum length is 1". It doesn't tell me what element it was, nor what the data was. So
Is there a plan to give at least the element name and the data value in the future?

I have tried to create an unmarshaller, call getUnmarshallerHandler, and do a normal SAX parse with Xerces, setting the UnmarshallerHandler as the EventHandler for the SAX parse. My plan was use Xerces SAX for my validation because its messages, though cryptic, at least tell me the element and the content of the data. They are more informative. However, I keep getting org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:unexpected root element SelcteUpload. If I do just do the normal SAX parse the validation works. If I do just the normal JAXB validation by itself, THAT works. It just won't work when I pass the UnmarshallerHandler to SAX. This is all schema validation.

Is this error coming because what I'm doing is not possible, or because I'm doing something wrong?


Damon Fensterman