Re: Use of jaxb:class/_at_implClass

From: Jochen Wiedmann <>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 04:11:25 +0200

Hi, Kohsuke,

sorry for replying late. First of all, thanks for your answers, but I must
admit, that I still cannot follow:

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

> So the compiler is trying to create the following relationship
> MyClassImpl -> (your) SomeClass -> SomeClass (which is usually
> generated as MyClassTypeImpl but you changed i by class/_at_name.)

Sorry for not working this out myself. May I still ask for the general idea,
though? Assuming that my SomeClass is indeed generated by some external
tool, it is unlikely that I can make it derive from a class generated by JAXB.

> If you want to change the implClass of element, attach your annotation
> to the element.


     A <class> declaration is allowed in the annotation element of the
     global element declaration. However, the implClass attribute is
     not allowed.

My interpretation is that attaching the annotation to the element is
forbidden. Not that I understand why ... but perhaps you are saying me that
this works anyways? :-)



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