Dealing with "any" elements

From: joe user <>
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 21:21:08 -0800

Hello Jaxbers (how do you pronounce "jaxb", btw?),

I am working on using JAXB to bind some XML schema for
a protocol which unfortunately has some sections like

  <complexType name="readWriteType">
      <any namespace="##other"/>

JAXB doesn't support binding an "any" element; if I
try to get that element, I get null. So what I need
to do is replace that part of the protocol with
<sequence><choice>....</choice></sequence>, where I
put the real element types in there. In actual
practice, only three different types are ever used in
the <any> section.

So I put those in, and the files are there, but the
files have the same names for some of their types,
which causes class name collisions.

It seems like I should be able to fix this by
annotating these files like this:


to get that particular file all into the package. But that seems to
have no effect. I still get class name collisions.

Any sugestions on how to prevent class name
collisions, or how to handle this problem with "any"?


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