Re: 2nd try: Avoid both JAXB2 binding as well DOM creation for a document fragment?

From: Andreas Loew <Andreas.Loew_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 01:09:23 +0200


Jitendra Kotamraju schrieb:

> You could use RI's Provider<Message> . Message contains various ways to
> get the payload and Headers in various formats(JAXB, Source etc). I
> believe it suits your need. Take a look at the Message class.

Still, I don't think this solves the issue of JAXB2 not only mapping the
"outer" document part, but also *the complete inner fragment* as well to
either JAXBElements or DOM Elements, depending on whether I use the
jaxb:dom annotation or not.

I suppose there would have to be some different schema annotation that
tells JAXB2 to stop mapping the subtree starting at the current element
to either JAXBElement or DOM, but rather return the original fragment as
raw XML input stream in order to make this work.

As long as I cannot stop JAXB2 from mapping the whole document including
the nested "inner" document fragment, I can just as well use the
JAXBElement or DOM Element tree for further processing of the inner

The performance gain I am striving for would only be coming from the
fact that *no mapping or binding at all of the inner "xsd:any" fragment*
would/should take place.

Or do you see any way to implement this behavior?

Thanks again (and sorry for insisting on my - maybe uncommon - scenario)!

Best regards,


Andreas Loew
Java Architect
Sun Microsystems (Germany)