Re: Need to update JAXB version

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 15:56:14 -0400

Sorry that link should have been:

Here's the relevent content:

> Brian Franklin: I have to say I'm disappointed by that. The Java WSDP contains 10
> different technology packages. It seems unfortunate to have to wait for all of them to
> be synchronized for release. Particularly since it might hamper increased growth and
> code improvement for early version technologies like JAXB, contrasted with more mature
> releases like JAXP.
> Ryan Shoemaker: I understand your concern, but we are working very hard to make sure
> that the Java WSDP releases are timely and contain incremental improvements in the
> component technologies. The Java WSDP certainly will be revved much faster than J2SE,
> for example. In the coming months and years, we will be revving all of our XML and Web
> Services technologies. Some of them will be built on JAXB, and JAXB at some point in
> the future may make use of others (mostly in the parser area). We felt it was important
> to package together the latest, greatest set of technologies that were tested together
> and worked together. For instance, we hope that in the future, JAX-RPC will be
> completely layered on JAXB. So we wanted to establish a pattern of releasing them
> together as a tested unit. We also realized that some people would not want all the
> technologies, so we tried to make it very clear how to separate out just the
> technologies you were interested in. This was a big change from the previous release of
> the Java WSDP.

Very sleepy,
