Re: Mixing schema-derived and own annotation defined types in a JaxbContext

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 15:58:13 +0100

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 3:10 PM, <> wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Nov 2009, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
> Probably with the message "...doesnt contain ObjectFactory.class or
>> jaxb.index" (which you might have told us). See the JAXB Tutorial section
>> on
>> JAXBContext<
>> >
>> .
> OK - so this confirms my suspicion.
> Would it be possible to enhance JAXB with a new signature, giving both
> context paths (for schema derived classes (which are also annotated by th
> eway), as well as a vararg classes argument for the homemade ones?
> You can always request an enhancement.

But, given that it is so simple to write a jaxb.index file, you might as
well do that, and specify two (or more) package names.


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> David J. M. Karlsen - +47 90 68 22 43
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