Re: [ANN]VTD-XML 2.9

From: oliver newell <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 09:09:13 -0400

Hi Jimmy -

Just curious - are there any plans to move to a LGPL or other less
restrictive license than GPL? Also, is support for a Maven artifact deployed
to a public repository planned? Those are the two items that prevent me
from using this package (I like the API and the examples are great)


On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 3:45 AM, Jimmy Zhang <> wrote:

> VTD-XML 2.9, the next generation XML Processing API for SOA and Cloud
> computing, has been released. Please visit
> to download the latest
> version.
> - Strict Conformance
> - VTD-XML now fully conforms to XML namespace 1.0 spec
> - Performance Improvement
> - Significantly improved parsing performance for small XML files
> - Expand Core VTD-XML API
> - Adds getPrefixString(), and toNormalizedString2()
> - Cutting/Splitting
> - Adds getSiblingElementFragment()
> - A number of bug fixes and code enhancement including:
> - Fixes a bug for reading very large XML documents on some platforms
> - Fixes a bug in parsing processing instruction
> - Fixes a bug in outputAndReparse()