sequence bound with a get but no set?

From: Corbett J. Klempay <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 14:28:54 -0500

Hello everyone...I'm a newbie (as my question may soon reveal?).

I downloaded 1.0.1 and generated a set of bindings for an XSD. The part
that is confusing me: in my schema, I have an element called context
hanging right off the root, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=unbounded. In the
generated wrapper for the root element, I have a getContext() method that
returns a List (as I'd expect)....but no set method at all. The two
attributes on this root element both have getters and setters, as I'd's just this pesky contained sequence that is the problem.

Looking at the source for the create-marshal sample, they populate a
scenario just like this via using the get method to get the List they care
about...add ot that list...and then call a set to set the changed
list...leading me to believe that this 1...* sequence of <context>
elements should have led to both a getter and a settler on its parent
element rather than just a getter. Am I missing something really

Corbett J. Klempay
512.874.5176 (W) | 512.750.1372 (C)