Re: Problem with xs:element->xs:annotation->xs:documentation for a simple type

From: Sandy McP <>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 06:54:42 -0700 (PDT)

Aleksei Valikov wrote:
> * You're creating a new subclass for your "GetLabel"-enabled fields. I
> don't think it is a good design decision. You'll have to create
> subclasses for all field classes out there. Essentially, you don't
> need this: better iterate over outline/class outlines/field outlines
> and generate additional getters, you don't need special field
> subclasses for this. This will be much simpler.
> * Direct statements in code model are evil. Code model was especially
> developed to produce the code programmatically. Try something like
> method.body()._return(JExpr.lit(label)).
> * You can have special-purpose XML customization for your plugin.
> Imagine something like:

Thanks for the tip, you're absolutely correct...

    public boolean run(Outline model, Options opt, ErrorHandler
errorHandler) {
            for(ClassOutline co : model.getClasses()) {
                    JDefinedClass clazz = co.implClass;
                    for (FieldOutline field : co.getDeclaredFields()) {
                            CPropertyInfo prop = field.getPropertyInfo();
                            String methodLabel = prop.getName(true);
                            String label = prop.javadoc.isEmpty() ? methodLabel : prop.javadoc;
                            label = label.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n");
                            // [RESULT]
                            // String getXXXLabel() {
                            // return "label";
                            // }
                            JMethod getLabel = clazz.method(JMod.PUBLIC, String.class,
            return true;

Looks a lot better and simpler than the rubbish I had :)

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