Re: javadoc generation for JAXB generated classes using mavn-javadoc-plugin

From: Felipe Gaúcho <>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 20:59:08 +0100

Javadoc of generated classes does not make sense anyway :)

but you can include comments in your schema, and then it will be
included in the javadoc.......

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 8:14 PM, Farrukh Najmi
<> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I need to be able to generate javadoc for my JAXB generated bindings. When I
> use the maven-javadoc-plugin with default configuration and the goal
> javadoc:javadoc I do not get the javadoc for generated classes. Is this a
> known bug in mavn-javadoc-plugin? If so, what is the workaround short of
> copying generated files to source tree?
> Also, I notice that the JAXB compilation does not produce a package
> description HTML file from the /xsd:schema/xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation
> element if present. This would be a very nice feature in the JAXB RI and
> something the spec should consider as well. The motivations is that javadoc
> from JAXB generated bindings would be complete with package description
> available for each package.
> So we would generate a nicely descriptive javadoc page like this:
> Packages
> org.freebxml.omar.jaxb.bindings.lcm._4_0 The schema for the lifecycle
> manager protocols of ebXML RegRep
> org.freebxml.omar.jaxb.bindings.query._4_0 The schema for the query manager
> protocol of ebXML RegRep
> org.freebxml.omar.jaxb.bindings.rim._4_0 The schema for the ebXML RegRep
> Registry Information Model
> The base schema common to most
> protocols of ebXML RegRep
> org.freebxml.omar.jaxb.bindings.spi._4_0 The schema for the service
> provider interface protocols for ebXML RegRep
> Instead of a less useful one like this:
> Packages
> org.freebxml.omar.jaxb.bindings.lcm._4_0
> org.freebxml.omar.jaxb.bindings.query._4_0
> org.freebxml.omar.jaxb.bindings.rim._4_0
> org.freebxml.omar.jaxb.bindings.spi._4_0
> Should I file an RFE. If so how can I make sure the RFE is on RI and spec
> both? Thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Farrukh Najmi
> Web:
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