Using JAXB in a product or an internal deployment.

From: Thomas John Kincaid <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 21:46:10 -0500


To introduce myself again. I am Tom Kincaid, development manager for
Sun's JAXB implementation. I am interested in having an off line
conversation with anybody who is planning to use JAXB in either a
product or for an internal deployment.

The purpose of such a conversation is to understand how people are using
JAXB and get feedback on things they would like to see part of future
releases. In addition, I would like to explore ways we (Sun) might be
able to help make your effort to successful.

If you or your company fit the profile above, and wouldn't mind spending
a few minutes either talking to me on the phone or having an e-mail
conversation about JAXB, please send a note to

Thanks in advance to anybody who can help me out.

Tom Kincaid