Re: Specifying Interfaces that generated classes extend/implement

From: Marek Malowidzki <>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 19:42:09 +0100

> Ok, what about this?
> 1) make a new type that has the sequence and max-access
> 2) make ColumnTemplate extend that type (#1) to include the
> 3) make VariableTemplate extend that type (#1) and add the 3 attributes
> 4) remove max-access from ColumnExtAttributeGroup
> 5) if ColumnExtAttributeGroup is used anywhere else, then make a new type that
extends ColumnExtAttributeGroup and includes max-access
> I know that looks like a lot of changes, but wouldn't that do what you want?

Yes, this is quite obvious. In fact, I tried XML element extensions, but I do
not remember now why I was not glad of how it worked. (Maybe, the beta release
did not support them. It was quite long ago, so I do not remember the details.)
Tomorrow I will try to recall what happened then. However, note that sometimes
you cannot modify XML.
