Re: xjc 2.2 and the hash character

From: Adam Zell <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 16:55:44 -0800


On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 1:31 AM, Wolfgang Laun <>wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Pavel Bucek <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> actually, I remember committing this change and as Wolfgang wrote, this
>> was made to align reference implementation with specification - this is a
>> bug in versions <2.2.
>> So that means you use invalid (from JAXB perspective) namespace
>> declaration.
> Hmm, I'd say it's a valid URI (at least as far as I understand the RFC),
> and
> the Spec doesn't prohibit using the segment part; it's just that JAXB has
> to
> convert '#' as it can't be in a package name.
> (Whether or not using a segment part should/could/might result in a
> subpackage would
> be interesting to discuss, but that's perhaps a rather philosphical issue.)
> Given the change in behavior from xjc 2.1.12 to 2.2, is it then recommended
not to use an anchor in a namespace URI? I can't easily find where the
anchor violates the specification. Is there a link available? The only
thing I found was at Nothing
in the document appeared to disallow #23.

If dealing with a legacy schema with a hash character in the namespace, is
there any option that could be placed in an .xjb file to coerce 2.2 xjc?


> -W
>> Pavel
>> Wolfgang Laun wrote:
>>> Hi Adam,
>>> please check the results as you posted them in relation to the
>>> xjc version. Your post would indicate that the newest xjc drops
>>> the URI fragment part entirely, as opposed to 2.1.12.
>>> There is indeed a difference between 2.2 and earlier versions,
>>> but I find that 2.2 does the right thing, i.e., according to the
>>> JAXB specification, section D.5.
>>> -W
>>> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Adam Zell < <mailto:
>>>>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have two basic schema files. The second schema file imports the
>>> first, and uses the hash character in its target namespace.
>>> foo.xsd:
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
>>> attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
>>> targetNamespace=""
>>> xmlns:xs=""
>>> xmlns:foo="">
>>> <xs:element name="Foo">
>>> <xs:complexType>
>>> <xs:sequence>
>>> <xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string"/>
>>> </xs:sequence>
>>> </xs:complexType>
>>> </xs:element>
>>> </xs:schema>
>>> bar.xsd:
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
>>> attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
>>> targetNamespace=""
>>> xmlns:xs=""
>>> xmlns:bar="">
>>> <xs:import namespace=""
>>> schemaLocation="foo.xsd"/>
>>> <xs:element name="Bar">
>>> <xs:complexType>
>>> <xs:sequence>
>>> <xs:element name="bar" type="xs:string"/>
>>> </xs:sequence>
>>> </xs:complexType>
>>> </xs:element>
>>> </xs:schema>
>>> xjc 2.1.12 reports the following:
>>> $ ./jaxb-ri-20090708/bin/xjc.bat -d build/classes -verbose *.xsd
>>> parsing a schema...
>>> compiling a schema...
>>> [INFO] generating code
>>> unknown location
>>> com\foo\ns\
>>> com\foo\ns\
>>> com\foo\ns\
>>> com\foo\ns_bar\
>>> com\foo\ns_bar\
>>> com\foo\ns_bar\
>>> xjc 2.2 however reports:
>>> $ ./jaxb-ri-20091104/bin/xjc.bat -d build/classes -verbose *.xsd
>>> parsing a schema...
>>> compiling a schema...
>>> [INFO] generating code
>>> unknown location
>>> com\foo\ns\
>>> com\foo\ns\
>>> com\foo\ns\
>>> com\foo\ns\
>>> Is the difference in xjc behavior due to the hash character in
>>> bar's target namespace?
>>> Thanks!
>>> -- Adam
>>> <>
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