Re: JAXB, JAXM and JAXRPC integration

From: Sekhar Vajjhala <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 05:04:01 -0700

Brian Hannan wrote:

> I've recently got my hands on WSDP 1.2 and am wondering about further
> integration between JAXB and JAXRPC and JAXM.
> For example, easily using JAXB objects in JAXM messages, along with
> doing the same in JAXRPC. For example, having to go from a JAXB object
> to a DOM tree to get it into a JAXM message isn't the most convenient.
> And is far from an integrated XML solution.
> I'm hoping Sun is going for a unified XML strategy between JAXB, JAXM
> and JAXRPC. Can I look forward to a near future where I could describe
> a type in an XSD, use JAXB to get a Java object binding and then have
> JAXRPC and JAXM use the same XSD and Java object binding if I use the
> type in a message.

JAXB 2.0 JSR ( Java Specification Request) - JSR 222 - filed just before
JavaOne conference last week, will be addressing the tigther integration
between JAXB and JAXRPC. For a list of other planned features, please see

Sekhar Vajjhala
Sun Microsystems

> --
> Brian Hannan
> Chief Admiral of Uncle Jam's Navy
> "One nation under a groove, gettin' down just for the FUNK of it."