Unmarshalling behaviour 2.1.0 versus 2.1.4

From: David Pick <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 16:47:46 +0100


I have just upgraded from version 2.1.0 to 2.1.4 and my unmarshalling code has broken for lists.

I was returning a copy of my internal list and then relying on the setter to mutate the list back again when the object was unmarshalled see below. This worked in 2.1.0 but in 2.1.4 the list setter is no longer called, the unmarshaller now adds the items to the list returned by the getter.

Has this behaviour been deprecated?
Or is there a way to get 2.1.4 to call the list based setter?

        @XmlElement(name="Section", type=Section.class)
        public List<ISection> getSections() {
                List<ISection> list = new ArrayList<ISection>(sections.size());
                for (OrderedItem item: sections) {

                return list;

        public void setSections(final List<ISection> sections) {
                this.sections = new ArrayList<OrderedItem>();
                int order = 0;
                for (ISection section: sections) {
                        this.sections.add(new OrderedItem(order++, section));

Many Thanks

Dave Pick
Focus Software Ltd
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